With over 37 years of experience providing Amada Part and Component Repairs, Lapis Services has the proven experience to solve any machine repair problems you might have and can get you back up and running faster.
The Lapis Services technician team has a long history of Amada Parts Repair. With long lead times and exorbitant prices elsewhere Lapis can often repair your broken component in a fraction of the time, and at a fraction of the price, of a new part.
Allow us to assist with the installation of your part, either on-site or remote, and we will warranty the part for 90 days. That's how confident we are with our repairs.
We are committed to provide the very best quality and service in the business.
Our field service engineers are the best in the business. Lapis will travel to your factory to diagnose and fix virtually any problem. Often, we can diagnose the problem off-site and bring the necessary equipment and parts to repair you machine the very next day!
For more information or a repair quote, please contact us or call 219-464-9131